December 23, 2010

From beginning to end.

You know you're doing something right when you can fall asleep at night without having to think about what a failure you are. And while I'm still experiencing with this, I'm happy to report I've had no trouble sleeping for a few months now. I'm doing my best to not get cocky and just keep on working, as this seems to be the only way out. Or should I say, the only way in? Regardless, it's not by sitting in our corner all alone that we'll understand what we need to do to get where we want to be.

...Such a complicated sentence.
It's the end of 2010 and I've yet to write my list of resolutions, but I'll get to it in due time. I've been working this week, and I simply hate holidays, especially when the parents are at home. It feels like I'm not working, when in fact I totally am. I can't wait for school to start again, that way I can make some sense of my working schedule.

I'm also supposed to help cook the Christmas dinner and we shall see how that's going to go, considering I'm so bad in the kitchen I burn water. But there's always that first time and apparently, things work out pretty well once you're past that first step. We shall see.

Our Christmas tree is now cluttered with presents and gifts are still arriving at the house, from god knows where. That part is a bit different from Romania. We used to put the presents under the tree on the 24th and open them up on the next day. Here, we've been putting wrapped boxes under that tree since last week, haha. It's fascinating to see how a different culture reacts to a holiday like this.

On New Year's Eve, I'm probably going to go out with some friends, if all things go well. And then, I'm stepping into the New Year full of hope for an even better beginning than the end of this year. It's been eventful, but I have absolutely no regrets. There's no other place I'd rather be right now, even though I'm far from parents, siblings, friends. This is what I wanted and finally!, I'm getting it.

So I guess I should thank myself? Haha. For having the courage to step out of my comfort zone and finally making my way towards my destiny. Or maybe I should thank a higher power, since I couldn't do it without being rightfully guided by someone up there. Anyway. I hope your 2010 is ending on a good note, too. We all deserve it. At least, every once in a while.

Lastly, I leave you with a song that has no connection with this blog, whatsoever. But it's a song I love and it fits my current love life. Or lack thereof. Enjoy.

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