May 15, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine.

It's been so long since I blogged, I almost forgot how to do it. Except not really, I've just been so busy, I couldn't find the time to brag about how much I love living here. Haha. No, really now. I should be serious. The last ten or so days have been pretty normal, with two cool weekends and a long work week in between. I thought this week would never end, every day was so long and just blah. People think it's so easy to work with children, but it really isn't. You have to constantly know what they're up to, feed them, entertain them, make sure they don't kill themselves in an attempt to climb that wobbly ladder. It's pretty much a full time job and every week night I just feel like sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.

Except for Thursday. This cute eighteen year old I met in a club took me to Central London, in Hyde Park to be accurate. And it was empty and dark and just so London-ish. Central London is definitely something I had missed, so I'm very happy with how the night turned out. Yesterday we went clubbing with a new friend and that was alright. It wasn't too exciting or anything, though we did get phone numbers, compliments etc, the usual. Today we're going to Kingston, in an attempt to revive the lost weekend. And tomorrow I'm going to the movies, so...this really is the long lost weekend. Partying since Thursday?! If this doesn't kill me, then I don't know what will, lol.

A wave of homesickness hit me this week, when my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary. I do love living here and I don't even plan on going back home for the holidays, but sometimes I just need a hug. And while my host family is very kind and I'm sure wouldn't mind sparing hugs, it's just not the same. Yeah, these kids love me and they're getting so attached to me, but it's just not enough. However! My homesickness will not stand in the way of living my dream, because I'm stronger than that and that's just how it's going to be. :)
I do miss my family and my friends. Not the country, because from what I'm hearing...things are just getting crazier there.

Let's see, let's see...I don't think I have anymore updates for now. Or maybe I do, but I just can't remember much. Just blame the alcohol, not me. Still haven't got a camera, still haven't sent my papers in. Stuff just gets dragged on around here. Oh well. Until next time, much love from England.

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