End of May. We have a pretty cloudy day here, but that's to be expected. The weather doesn't bother me anymore, I just take it as it comes. You just learn to enjoy the sunny days and be productive on rainy ones, it's as simple as that.
I don't really want to talk about the weather. I don't...want to talk about anything in particular, I just felt like blogging about the end of May. Lately, I've been giving the future a lot of thought, especially what's going to happen once I'm done being an au pair. Various ideas have circled my mind and one seems to get stuck more often than not. Media, PR, journalism, marketing, publishing. Okay, I realize it's more than one idea, but still. So I'm going to try and move forward in that direction. I'm teaching myself proper Spanish, since I'm so good with foreign languages. And I plan on doing the same with French and maybe even some technical stuff, like HTML. Gotta have skills, right? I don't know, I just feel like I have too much time on my hands. How the fuck did that happen?! I read three different books, work 6 to 8 hours every day, I spend time online...it's crazy, I know. My neighbor said it's a sign I'm getting old. I want to say it's a sign I'm growing up.
It'll be summer tomorrow, officially. At the end of this season, I want to know one more foreign language and have read at least fifty books. Plus, visit London and quite possibly, Scotland. Impossible? Nothing is impossible. Trust me, I know.
What are your plans/dreams/desires? Make it happen, no matter what. Until next time.
For some reason every time I listen to this song I feel like I'm on top of the world. And of course, London makes it all better. The people who know me will definitely know why. ;)
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