March 02, 2010

Easy way out?

I finally saw Valentine's Day, and it's such a cute movie. Very hopeful and bright,'s like the screen is whispering that life can get better. Definitely not something I haven't seen before, since it's a classic romantic film, but one of the best I've seen in a long while. I laughed, I cried and the soundtrack is unbelievably amazing. I thought I was going to hate it, since it was all about love, two entire hours, but I was so wrong. Must see, regardless of your relationship status.

I also saw The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and this movie surprised me. I was expecting only fantasy and while it did deliver on that part, quite brilliantly, it also gave me that weird feeling that this world is definitely ruled by higher powers. And I was never one to believe in such things, so I was in complete awe by the time the movie was over. I don't recommend it unless you're ready to accept that there are things in life you cannot understand and you don't even try. It's a good film, though. A bit odd at first, but if you look deep into the essence, it'll get better. And it has awesome cast: Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Colin Farell and the late Heath Ledger.

What else.
I started this week in a strange way and while it has happened to me before, I always end up saying it won't ever happen again. What is it with us people that we need to walk on the same paths even though we know they're only going to take us in all the wrong places? My therapy session was a bit dramatic, considering I'm not actually doing something. And that is frustrating, duh. Every time I leave that office, I feel like I'm ready to conquer the world and then...well, I end up making the wrong choices, all over again. It's pretty sad, actually.

I'm so tired of feeling conflicted. I miss those days when I could wake up and breathe easy, knowing it was going to be a good day. That I didn't have to think over and over again about the future, life, what, where, when, why. No more questions, no more answers. No more having to lie through my teeth and pretend I'm okay. I'm not okay, but no one can accept it and deal with it. So, I pretend.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.


  1. Super, am scris comentariul si l-am sters din greseala.
    Ce voiam sa zic este ca iti recomand, ceea ce mi-a fost si mie recomandat atunci cand eram down, si anume filmul The Secret.Tot ceea ce spune acolo nu e nou, dar este spus intr-un alt mod.Si foarte convingator, optimist.
    Pentru ca pana la urma sta numai in puterea noastra sa ne facem viata faina.Iar atunci cand ea se incapataneaza sa nu fie asa, sa ne luptam cu ea:)

  2. Si chiar nu avem decat "one chance"...
    Ne facem de ras acum or never!:P

  3. Eu nu vreau sa ma fac de ras! :))
    Dar! M-am si apucat sa caut The Secret, sa vad ce-i de capul lui.

    Danke pentru sugestie! :*
