It hurts to grow up. There is no one there to help you up when you're down, you have to pull yourself together and inspire yourself to keep on going. Every moment you're off track, you must convince yourself that getting up and moving on is the right thing to do, because deep down you know otherwise you'd just sit against the cold, hard floor and forget all about life. It hurt when I grew up, but it's the sort of pain you get used to it. Life slaps you in the face, reminding you that you are, indeed, alive; time shows you that no one is immortal, therefore you should always live like you're dying. Carpe diem and all of that! And finally, people. They are in your life to prove that we couldn't grow old on our own, because that really would hurt too much.
But I think what hurts the most is when others around you grow up, too. That's maybe the moment you realize life really isn't a game, not anymore. It's not about our dolls or computer games, or silly crushes on cute boys. Not about that call you're waiting sitting by the phone, or about the test you have to pass. As selfish as it may sound, life is all about us. Each and every one of us. But sometimes we'd like the ones we love to never grow up, because then everything suddenly becomes much more real. Perhaps too real.
Growing up shouldn't be this hard. But it is and it happens, inevitably to all of us. The question is...when we're all on the road to old and gray, to live our dreams and face our fears, how do we stay close? How do we manage to keep what we had when we were little? Friends, family, wishes.
Easy. We just don't.
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