July 18, 2010

London, friends, hospitals, life.

It seems like it's time for yet another London update. I find it so hard to just sit in front of my computer now, it's crazy. Just mere months ago I was tied to it and now...you should see the amount of dust it collects on a daily basis. But anyway, here goes my lovely update.

First. I had my first encounter with a British hospital. Well, a walk in centre, actually. It's a place where you can go whether you are registered with a GP or not and they treat minor illnesses or can provide useful information if your case is more serious. I had heard so many horror stories about places like this, though, I was afraid to go. However, my bladder decided otherwise so Sunday morning, I woke up bright and early and took two buses to get to St. George's Hospital, Tooting. After filling in the form, I waited about half an hour then a nurse came out, called my name and in I went. About fifteen minutes later, I was out the door, antibiotics at hand, ready to start my way to recovery. Say what?! And here I thought I was going to waste my whole day in a place with a bunch of people that just couldn't afford proper health care. This may sound mean, but I am after all a mean person. No. Really, I am.

Second. YESTERDAY WAS AMAZING! We went to Central London and no matter how much I see it, I'm still in love with it. This relationship is bound to last for many years to come, I'm sure. We barely got off the train and I was smiling like crazy. Keep in mind I was crazy sick, but I didn't care. It's London, what the hell! We took the tube to Covent Garden and then walked all the way to Trafalgar Square. London is breathtaking, seriously. So many people, so many different things to see and do, it's like every corner of every street hides something else. We didn't do anything in particular, no. We were just there and to me, that's more than enough. We had lunch in Leicester Square, on the grass and we just spent a few hours laughing and having fun. Luckily, it was a sunny day, so hooray for good weather. And we made a promise to come back again, and soon. Hopefully, it'll actually happen.

&Third. My sister is coming to see me in two weeks. I can't tell you how much I need these couple of weeks to go by, gah. I miss her so much, dammit. I plan to take her to London every freaking day and she's gonna love it, too. That's the thing about best friends, they somehow love the same things you do. Or some of them, anyway. What else, what else. It's the middle of July already. Really? Time goes by so fast when you're enjoying life, it's true. And I wish you all could be as happy as I've been in the last three months. It's more of a lifestyle now, can't live without it.

As for me, well...I'll always have London ;)
&To end, a kinky rock song. Halestorm rock!

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