I don't understand why time has to be so flighty. One minute it's there, then the next thing I know, it's gone. And as we all know, you can't turn back time, even if you desperately want or need it.
Mid-August and I feel like I'm wasting my life away, partying it up in the weekends and slaving during the week. I know, I know. We all have to start from the bottom and work our way up to the top, but sometimes I think the top is like...you know, in that Tom&Jerry episode when Tom dies and goes on that big escalator to heaven? Yeah, that's how I feel. Except my escalator isn't self-running, I have to literally take every step. And yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm too tired to go on. Like now. Too many things happening at once.
My friends can't get along with each other because one's too stupid and proud to care and the other one...well, she didn't technically do anything wrong, so what the hell. And I'm in the middle, though it's the last place I want to be. I actually want to be on a sunny beach, in the Bahamas. That'd be lovely.
I'm probably unbelievably stupid because of what I'm doing now. Which is exactly what I did over three years ago: push all my friends away because I'm waiting for a guy to call me. "No, I can't go out tonight." Why? Because I'm waiting for a man to call and ask me out. Pathetic? Thought as much. And yet, here I am, having a "quiet weekend". Don't get me wrong, sometimes down time is appreciated, but if it's for the wrong reasons..I don't think they call it a 'down time'.
What else, what else. Last Thursday there was a shooting stars shower in the UK and I took the aforementioned man to the Parliament Hill in London and wow. The view is spectacular! You can see the whole city of London, and it was midnight and the entire city was lit with amazingly colorful lights. It was breathtaking, to be honest. And it was probably my highlight of the week.
I spent a bunch of money today, for no particular reason. Hell, I can think of one: retail therapy. And my tongue piercing is better than ever, if you must know. I'm loving it more and more every day and I can't wait for it to be fully healed, so that I can start buying funky jewelry. I'm a rebel at heart, you knew that.
And with this, I'm done with yet another silly update. For whomever reads this and wants to know how my life is, there you go. But! It's a London life, so that pretty much sums it all up better than I could ever write it in words. Song time! I don't know why I love this song, but I really do.
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